
by Zhang Dongdong



The dictionary put into the phone, so you instantly fall in love with calligraphy!

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功能介紹:1. 基本的查詢功能,支持繁體/簡體查詢,可一次查詢多個字。2. 支持臨摹功能,隨時隨地練字。3. 支持按碑帖瀏覽。4. 另設有歷史記錄及收藏夾功能。碑帖收錄:收錄王羲之,王獻之諸帖,對於二王一脈的其他著名書家也有收錄,如智永真草千字文,孫過庭書譜等。圖片萬餘張,不重複單字近兩千個,基本涵蓋常用漢字。詳情如下:----------------王羲之----------------蘭亭序姨母帖興福寺斷碑聖教序寒切帖旃罽帖絲布衣帖七十帖都邑帖兒女帖不審帖冬中帖安西帖昨故遣書帖孔侍中帖郗司馬帖胡母帖阮公帖奉橘帖遊目帖漢時講堂帖夜來腹痛帖月末帖得示帖胡桃帖虞安吉帖毒熱帖自慰帖足下家帖遠宦帖行穰帖瞻近帖逸民帖積雪凝寒帖足下至吳帖朱處仁帖邛竹杖帖鹽井帖谯周帖諸從帖大熱帖幹嘔帖蒸濕帖快雪時晴帖何如帖喪亂帖二謝帖憂懸帖頻有哀禍帖青李帖清晏帖初月帖重熙帖知遠近帖天鼠膏帖嚴君平帖成都帖吾唯帖敬和帖旦反帖月半帖荀候帖西問帖轉佳帖采菊帖飛白帖丘令帖龍保帖妹至帖知君帖平安帖周益州帖藥草帖----------------王獻之----------------姑比日帖鄱陽帖適奉帖歲盡帖授衣帖送梨帖乞仮帖願余帖想彼帖先夜帖玄度時往來帖蘭草帖節過歲終帖十二月帖月終帖敬祖帖衛軍帖東山帖中秋帖地黃湯帖廿九日帖鴨頭丸帖智永真草千字文孫過庭書譜Features:1. The basic search function, support for Traditional / Simplified query, the query multiple words at once.2. Support copy function, calligraphy anywhere.3. Support Browse by rubbings.The other has a history, and favorites feature.Rubbings included:Included Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi various posts, two other well-known calligrapher Wang veins also included, such as real grass Thousand Zhi Yong, Sun Guoting books spectra. Pictures thousand pieces, do not repeat words nearly two thousand, covering commonly used Chinese characters. Details are as follows:----------------Wang Xizhi----------------PrefaceAunt postsKofukuji DuanbeiHoly church orderCold cut postsZhan fishnet postsSilk clothing postsSeventy postsRhyme postsPosts childrenNot moderatedWinter in postsAnzai postsYesterday it sent the signaturesHole sijung postsXi Sima postsHu mother postsNguyen Cong postsBong Orange postsSwim head postsHan auditorium postsThe night comes abdominal postsEnd of quoteHave shown postsWalnut posts虞安吉 postsToxic hot postsMasturbation postsA journey home postsFar from official postsLine Rang postsBringing the near postHermit postsNing Han snow postsThe first step to Wu postsZhuchurentieZhu Zhang Qiong postsSalt Wells postsQiao Zhou postsFrom all postsHot postsRetching postsSteaming postsFast snow and sunshine quoteRu postsSangluan postsXie and postsSuspended worry posts- Frequency sorrow Woe postsQing Li postsQing Yan postsFirst month postShigehiro postsKnown far and near postsTianshugaotieYan Junping postsChengdu postsWu Wei postsKing and postsOnce Anti postsHalfmoon postsHou Xun postsWest asked quoteUpturn postsMining Ju postsFlying white tieQiu make postsLong Bao postsSister to postsZhijun postsPing postsZhou Yizhou postsHerb posts----------------WangXianZhi----------------Regardless than the Japanese postPoyang postsBong suitable quoteYears to make postsGrant clothing postsSend pear postsBegging temporary substitute lot postsI would like to quoteHe would like to quoteFirst night postsWhen the mysterious dealings of postsBluegrass postsSection over Suizhong postsDec postsEnding quoteWorshiping ancestors postsGuards postsDongshan postsMid-postsHuang Tang postsEve Day postsYatou pill postsZhi YongReal grass ThousandSun GuotingShu Pu支援Android 9.0

Read trusted reviews from application customers


Chong Yong Jun

Very impressive! It's helpful for learning the structures of the characters.

Aomami Han


Xipu Chen

The app is blocking my view

King Of June

Very useful and convenient tool

Meen Szer Bong

Great tool for learning Calligraphy.

Yenfu Li

Very good app

Lim Tseng

No internet required. Large dataset. Allows you to draw over strokes as practice. Has favorite feature and fast thumbnail browsing.

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Vincent Tang